What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 6
Part 1 — The Founding of the American System
Alexander Hamilton & Public Credit
Today, we are confronted with the challenge
of practically rebuilding the American physical
economy from the ground up. It is a monumental endeavor. America’s productive economic
power has been decimated over the last 50
years, and tens of millions of so-called deplorable American citizens have been declared useless eaters by our political and 昀椀nancial elite.
Going back to 2016, then presidential candidate Trump and other MAGA leaders began referencing the American System by name and/or
advocating core American System policies, such
as tari昀昀s designed to protect domestic production. While this alone is a major breakthrough,
more emphasis needs to be placed on American
System policies of national banking and public
credit, as originally conceived by our 昀椀rst Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. Between
1790 and 1795, Hamilton authored six works on
economic policy. Today, no one should be allowed to have any in昀氀uence over economic and
banking policy unless he or she has studied the
two most important of those reports: The Report
on a National Bank (December, 1790) and The Report on the Subject of Manufactures (December,
What Hamilton established was a national
credit system, through which we had absolute national sovereignty over banking, monetary, and 昀椀nancial policy for the purpose of
consciously and deliberately fostering human
advancement. The primary mission of Hamilton’s national bank was to increase the rate of
development of the physical economy through
new scienti昀椀c breakthroughs and new internal
improvements, and technologies to increase the
productivity of labor.
Today, both the Federal Reserve and our
“modern” banking and 昀椀nancial system operate solely on the basis of maximizing private
monetary pro昀椀t, with the day-to-day operations
of this system driven by usurious and speculative monetary schemes. This is a system axiompage 4
Alexander Hamilton (1789-1795). Painting (1806) John Trumbull.
atically the opposite of how Hamilton’s national
bank functioned.
As Hamilton stresses again and again in his
reports, the primary function of the national
bank—unlike the Federal Reserve, the Bank of
England and all current central banks—was to
make loans for productive enterprise. Under strict
U.S. Treasury supervision, the national bank
operated as a commercial bank, accepting deposits from the public and making loans to private citizens and businesses. The national bank
established branches in nine cities, including in
almost all of the manufacturing and commercial
centers. From these branches, credit 昀氀owed into
the productive physical economy. As deposits
accumulated in the national bank, investments
were made in new manufacturing, and farmers
were given the ability to make improvements to
their land.
What President Trump Can Do With the American System 2.0