What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 5
tempted to demoralize our citizens with the
false claim that mankind is insigni昀椀cant in the
universe. Elites have pushed a degenerate culture that degrades the image of man. The success of the American System 2.0 depends upon
embracing a renewed image of man as a positive creative force.
What Follows Below
The 昀椀rst section of this document provides an
overview of core aspects of the original American System of economics which have not yet
been adequately taken up by the MAGA movement: public credit and national banking, as rooted
in Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton’s original
The second section introduces the groundbreaking work of American physical economist Lyndon LaRouche. There, we show how
LaRouche’s discoveries in physical economics
provide the foundations for what we can now
call the American System 2.0, rooted in a new
scienti昀椀c understanding of negentropic growth
in economies. From this standpoint, we show
how to approach manufacturing policies and
infrastructure projects to ensure they generate
the most value and negentropic growth over the
next generation.
The third section addresses the profound and
li琀琀le-understood scienti昀椀c and cultural issues at
the core. Mankind is a force for good in the universe, not a virus, as the radical environmentalists say. As with the Golden Renaissance in 15th
century Europe, today we must again embrace
and celebrate the beauty of mankind. We must
show children the true meaning of their lives,
by giving them the opportunity to participate in
creating a be琀琀er future for their family, community, and country, ensuring every citizen has the
right to participate in economic progress as an
immortal creative action. Nothing more clearly
represents that today than the coming colonization of space, as the development of an interplanetary economy is the coming next chapter
in the long book of human history.
We 昀椀nd ourselves today, not only in a moment of great crisis, but also at a moment of
great opportunity. Perhaps our most important
objective is to provide hope and optimism to the
American people by demonstrating how we can
unleash the greatest economic revolution in human history and create an American culture of
optimism, celebrating the beauty of mankind
and human progress. This can be done, and the
time to act is now. We’re asking you to not only
read and understand this material, but to get involved, and help ensure we make this a reality.
Join our campaign for the American System 2.0
Promethean Action is building a political alliance
amongst our nation’s producers.
We’re looking for people involved in technology,
manufacturing, science, construction, and any
other productive enterprise, who can help craft
and implement the greatest economic program
in our nation’s history.
Follow the link to let us know how you can help!
Promethean Action
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