What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 34
Fusion rocket. Credit: Pancotti, U of Washington, MSNW.
of mankind as an evolutionary biospheric force,
a fully-developed nuclear-fusion-powered
physical economy will be the representation of
mankind as an “astrospheric” force, capable of
bringing the solar system (and other stellar systems) under his regime of negentropic control.
Thus, the frontiers of fusion power and space
colonization represent the coming transition of
mankind from a biospheric evolutionary force
into the very beginnings of an astrospheric
force. A profound change that illustrates mankind’s special place in the universe and the basis
to design today’s American System 2.0 policies.
We live in a universe composed of nested
processes of creative development, characterized by systems of increasing complexity and
potential generated by the actions of negentropic agents. Within that process, mankind is a
unique negentropic agent, expressing a power
we call human creativity. But human creativity and science aren’t just about understanding
random facts about the natural world. Human
creativity has a speci昀椀c expression, the expansion of the sphere of mankind’s negentropic
impact over increasingly larger domains, and
more fundamental systems composing the developmental process of the universe itself. That
is, mankind encapsulating, expressing, and
representing the creative systems that compose
the universe in increasingly more fundamental
and powerful ways. That is a scienti昀椀c expression and de昀椀nition for mankind in the image
of God, the basis to develop a culture that embraces and celebrates the beauty of mankind as
a creative force, and the reason the American
System worked before, and will work again as
the American System 2.0.
over the last couple thousand years, mankind
has doubled the energy 昀氀ux-density of the biosphere, a change only otherwise seen over the
evolutionary development of life over millions
of years. Stated another way, if you only looked
at the energy 昀氀ux-density impact of mankind’s
actions on the biosphere, it would look like the
product of evolutionary improvement of life
over millions of years. Yet mankind has generated this change on the scale of merely thousands
of years, and done so via a fossil-fueled physical
economy, rather than biological evolution.
With both the fuel source powering the physical economy and the impact of mankind’s actions measured in terms of biospheric evolutionary timescales, a fossil-fuel-powered physical
economy represents mankind as an evolutionary
biospheric force. And the next great stage of human development is clear. Is it a coincidence
that the current frontiers of the physical economy encapsulate both nuclear
power and colonization of the
solar system? As fossil fuels
are products of the biosphere
over evolutionary time, 昀椀sThe American System 2.0
sion and fusion fuels are the
products of stellar processes
A growing coalition of Americans
over successive generations
is fighting for economic growth
of stars over stellar and galacthrough a revival of the American
tic time. As a fully-developed
System of Economics.
fossil-fuel-powered physical
economy is the representation
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page 32
What President Trump Can Do With the American System 2.0