What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 33
the agricultural work that feeds society, to the
construction of the infrastructure that society
runs on, the physical processes that are required
to sustain society require a minimum level of
energy 昀氀ux-density to maintain.
Thus, physical economy has a profound meaning as a regime of negentropy that is the expression of human creativity, and provides concrete
proof of mankind’s distinction from the animals. The very nature, existence, and de昀椀nition
of mankind centers around changing the natural world, and bringing increasing levels of the
natural world under the domain of mankind’s
negentropic sphere of in昀氀uence. Only when you
understand this can you truly understand why
a public credit system works.
Why Mankind Is Special
Human creativity, as manifested in the form
of physical economy, appears as a sort of inversion in the nested process of creative development of the universe. This process goes from
the evolution of galaxies and stars, to the evolution of life and the biosphere, to mankind
and physical economy. But the evolution of the
physical economy is di昀昀erent. The increasing
Promethean Action
energy 昀氀ux-density of galaxies is driven by the
development of stars. The increasing energy
昀氀ux-density of the biosphere is driven by the
evolution of life. But the increasing energy 昀氀uxdensity of the physical economy is not driven by
changes in the physical expression of mankind.
Instead mankind discovers and manages external energy 昀氀ux-densities which are the products of these more fundamental systems, starting with successive levels of energy 昀氀ux-density
of life and the biosphere, followed by levels of
energy 昀氀ux-density of stars and galaxies.
At an earlier stage, human society was dependent on burning wood and other biomass. That
fuel source was the product of the biosphere in
real time, and enabled a physical economy capable of being the peak formation of life in the
biosphere (roughly corresponding to an agricultural stage of development).
The current stage of human society is approaching the peak of a fossil-fuel-powered
economy. That is a physical economy powered
by the products of the biosphere over evolutionary time: fossil fuels. At this level, the physical
economy is capable of generating negentropic actions only otherwise seen by biospheric
activity over evolutionary time. For example,
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