What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 30
Part 3 — On The Significance of Space and Fusion
Mankind’s True Place in the Universe
This is a condensed version of a longer article available at www.Prom.ac/EFD
Today, we are on the verge of a transformation unlike any before in human history. The
development of fusion power represents an essentially limitless energy source for mankind,
while the colonization of space represents our
expansion into an essentially limitless frontier.
Taken together, these represent an unparalleled
upshift in the signi昀椀cance and capabilities of
mankind’s position in the universe.
With fusion power, we’re capturing the energy
released from the combining of the lightest elements in the periodic table. These fuel sources
for fusion power are orders of magnitude more
abundant than fossil fuels or fuels for nuclear
昀椀ssion power, and the energy density of fusion
reactions is hard to wrap one’s head around.
Fusion power fuels provide roughly a million
times more energy per weight, when compared
with fossil fuels, meaning it would only take a
few grams of fusion fuel to provide the electricity needs of an American citizen for an entire
year. Simply incredible! While government funding for fusion research has been far too limited,
in recent years, various private ventures have
started making signi昀椀cant progress in cracking
the challenges of controlled fusion power.
At the same time, we have the technologies
to begin the process of human colonization and
development of the Solar System. The Moon and
Mars represent the 昀椀rst targets, where we could
set up initial outposts, and learn how to develop
and utilize the resources available in these locations. Interest is already growing for expanded
commercial activities in space, including mining resources available in asteroids and other
bodies in the Solar System. Once we begin to develop the capabilities to manufacture goods in
space, utilizing the resources available in space,
we’ve freed ourselves from the expensive bo琀琀lepage 28
neck of needing to lift everything required o昀昀
the surface of Earth, and we’ve initiated an interplanetary economy. Fusion power will then
play a critical role as well, not only providing
electrical power, but being the only fuel source
with the energy densities that can enable rapid
transport around the Solar System.
These breakthroughs are awaiting us, but few
seem to understand their true signi昀椀cance. The
core problem stems from the deep corruption
and degeneration in our educational system,
scienti昀椀c institutions, and in our culture. People
no longer understand the importance and signi昀椀cance of mankind’s place in the universe.
People no longer celebrate the beauty of human
Today, it has become almost routine for young
children to be taught in our schools that the human species is a cancer on the planet, that we
are murdering “Mother Earth.” Corrupt scienti昀椀c institutions proclaim the “consensus” that
mankind is nothing more than another animal
species, with life itself being nothing more than
a temporary, random occurrence in a Godless
universe that is ultimately heading toward an
entropic heat death, in which any and all actions
you take during your life are meaningless. For
generations, the dignity of man has been under
this 昀椀erce oligarchical a琀琀ack. So to understand
the true signi昀椀cance of fusion power and space
colonization, we have to reassess what we know
about the universe and man’s place therein.
Our Creative & Developing Universe
We have a speci昀椀c metric that allows us to examine the development of the entire universe
and the activities of mankind in one coherent
picture: energy 昀氀ux-density. Originally devel-
What President Trump Can Do With the American System 2.0