What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 27
outlined above will require something in the range of
700 to 1,000 new large electric power plants.
The overall intended impact is to increase the availability and quality of energy throughout the economy,
while substantially lowering the costs.
This will have nonlinear impacts and direct
implications for a productive economy, as processes that are too energy-intensive today will
become economical, easy, and regular practice
after such an upshift. As discussed above, desalination on massive scales can address water
needs on the West Coast, lower quality minerals and ores can be processed, and more energy
intensive modes of production can be utilized
to increase productivity. Again, this is where
American System policies of public credit become key to ensuring we can make these investments in negentropic growth.
A competent infrastructure program today
starts with large-scale projects for high-speed
rail, new freshwater supplies, and major increases in energy supplies as an integrated
perspective. This will create the basis for new
economic growth through new cities, new manufacturing, new agriculture, and countless new
Promethean Action
commercial enterprises, while also increasing
the productivity and e昀케ciency of existing economic activities. A public credit system allows
us to make these investments.
As we work to accomplish this upshifting
of the entire territory of the United States, we
also look to the initial development of infrastructure systems economically connecting the
Earth, Moon, and Mars, as we expand out into
the Solar System. This represents a profound
expression of mankind’s unique position in the
universe. Despite the rantings of radical environmentalists and ivory tower academics, mankind is not just another animal species with a
slightly bigger brain. Mankind is the only form
of life that willfully reshapes and improves the
surrounding environment. The entire history
of human progress and development centers
around this reality, and to suppress this activity (like the radical environmentalists have desired to do) is nothing less than evil – they are
denying generations the ability to participate in
a core part of what makes us human: the ability to create new and be琀琀er conditions of life for
future generations.
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