What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 21
Infrastructure as National Development
Energy, Power, Water, and Transportation
Infrastructure needs a special treatment and manity’s creation of the ‘arti昀椀cial environments’
emphasis for three reasons. First, our infrastruc- we sometimes call ‘infrastructure,’ on which
ture systems have been gravely neglected for both the progress, and even the merely contindecades, with the American Society of Civil En- ued existence of civilized society depends.”1
gineers grading our overall infrastructure a C- The transformation of barren desert landscapes
and reporting that $4.6 trillion in investments into highly productive regions where plant and
are required to get that
animal life 昀氀ourish alonggrade to a B. Second, in昀氀aside mankind is emblem“Man as a creator in the likeness of
tionary boondoggles like
atic of the unique capabilithe Biden-Harris “In昀氀aties that de昀椀ne mankind
the great Creator, is expressed by
tion Reduction Act” (just a
as a special creative force
humanity’s creation of the ‘artificial
front for the “Green New
in the universe (as the conenvironments’ we sometimes call
Deal”) have been pushed
cluding section will show).
on the American people
Here we’ll focus on
progress, and even the merely
under the name of “infrathe importance of new
structure,” but these fake
large-scale projects for
continued existence of civilized
infrastructure programs
hig-speed rail, expanded
society depends.”
have been disastrous for
fresh water supplies, and
- Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr.
the economy. Third, and
abundant cheap energy as
most importantly, infraan integrated perspective.
structure plays a unique role in de昀椀ning the po- Obviously, extensive work is also needed to retential for productivity and the development of pair existing roads, bridges, locks, dams, transour national territory. Large-scale infrastructure mission lines, etc.; however, repairs to existing
systems transform entire territories, making systems need to be situated within the context
uninhabitable regions inhabitable, and allow- of a growth program to build the new infraing unproductive regions to become productive. structure systems that support true negentroInfrastructure systems are not products or pic growth. Again, an American System public
goods in an economy, they de昀椀ne the potential credit approach is key, as these are 10 to 25 year
for what can happen in an economy and where. investments to increase the overall productivity
Infrastructure determines the physical econom- of our nation.
ic spacetime of an economy. As LaRouche wrote
on the subject in 2010, “Man as a creator in the 1. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr., “The Secret Economy,” Execulikeness of the great Creator, is expressed by hu- tive Intelligence Review, Vol. 37, Number 21, May 28, 2010.
2021 Report Card for
America’s Infrastructure
American Society of Civil Engineers.
Promethean Action
page 19