What President Trump Can Do With The American System 2.0 - Flipbook - Page 14
tangible goods that keep the economy going in
physical terms. Without 昀椀rst de昀椀ning this type
of framework, any notion of economic value is
arbitrary, as we need to measure the actions of
productive labor relative to the requirements to
sustain society. Only with this type of approach
can we begin to de昀椀ne and understand economic growth in terms of a physical science.
To distinguish our physical economic metrics
from the arbitrary metrics often used, we de昀椀ne
negentropic economic growth as the ability for
the productive labor force to provide the required energy of the system, plus a higher level
of free energy than was produced in the previous cycle.4 Over successive cycles, this will be
expressed as an increasing energy of the system
as the economy realizes the fruits of negentropic
growth. In the remainder of this section, we’ll
outline the key areas where such negentropic
growth can be generated, outlining the path for
a bright and prosperous future for our nation
for generations to come.
First, we address manufacturing from an
emphasis on technological progress and the
closely related factors of energy 昀氀ux-density
4. In reality, the economy obviously isn’t a closed system,
and we also have to account for changes (both negative
and positive) in the natural resources available at any
given technological level. This is taken up in detail below.
page 12
and capital intensity. Through the utilization
of new technologies operating at higher energy
昀氀ux-densities and increasing the concentration
of useful tools and machinery (capital goods)
employed by the labor force, we can ensure
America becomes a manufacturing superpower
again. This is the secret to ensuring that a tari昀昀
policy works.
Second, we examine how economic infrastructure de昀椀nes the physical economic spacetime in which production occurs. Lowering the
cost while increasing the availability and quality of energy, water, and transportation for productive enterprises ensures those productive
enterprises can operate at overall higher levels
of productivity. Public credit becomes a key tool
to enable these types of long-term investments.
Everything President Trump has presented
in his economic program is in the right direction. However, it is just the very beginning of
an economic revival for our nation and a cultural renaissance celebrating the true nature of
mankind. Mr. LaRouche’s work de昀椀ning a science of physical economics provides the basis
to advance the original American System into
what we call the American System 2.0, ensuring we can revive a commitment to long-term,
negentropic progress over the next generation
and beyond.
What President Trump Can Do With the American System 2.0