A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents - Promethean Action - Flipbook - Page 8
firm for British spooks named after the geographer and
retainer of the British East India Company Richard Hakluyt,
known for his work promoting the colonization of America by
the British. Richard Dearlove is an old hand at such
operations. While leading MI6, Dearlove infamously vouched
for the doctored dossier which said that Saddam Hussein
had weapons of mass destruction, collaborating with the
CIA9s George Tenet on one of the most deadly intelligence
lies in the last century.
This is not to say that the Obama White House was not
a witting coconspirator in these operations. They were in it
with both feet. But our insistence is that, as usual, the
inspiration and the idea were British, and, as they had since
Franklin Roosevelt died, sympathetic and profiled Tories in
Washington accommodated them. Trump, it was said, was
out to completely destroy Barack Obama9s very British
foreign policy