A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents - Promethean Action - Flipbook - Page 22
pessimism of a national drug culture. Millions of young
America had paid in blood for the sin of slavery. Now
Americans fell victim to this. We still live, to this day, with Lincoln posed a new future, a new hope for the people of
that cultural shift, set into motion by the British directed America, and indeed for the people of the world. But Lincoln,
conspiracy of November 22,1963.
like McKinley, would not be allowed a second term as
Five months before his assassination, on June 10, 1963,
President Kennedy delivered the Commencement Address at
In Part 4 of this report, we quoted from President American University. Today, this is commonly referred to as
McKinley9s speech at the Pan American Exposition in 1901. It his